O-shape bearing

O-shape bearings, also called low-frequency bearings, have low compressive stiffness.
This makes them very suitable for the storage of small, lightweight components and equipment.
They are often used in the construction of instruments and apparatus.

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Technical data

Typa2tec-Art.Durchm. D1 [mm]Breite B [mm]Höhe H [mm]Gewinde D3 x L [mm]Härte [°ShA]Max. Weg [mm]Max. Last [N]
OF 10,5A17009910,59,512,5M4 x 10NR 553,028
OF 14A170115141317M4 x 10NR 553,032
OF 25A170089252030M5 x 10NR 555,069
OF 36 M6A170116362838M6 x 10NR 555,0150
OF 36 M10A170117362640M10 x 20NR 555,0110

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