Flat bearing / rails

Rubber-metal rails are a simple element for vibration damping. They are very well suited to carry even very high loads. By shortening the length, the load capacity of the rubber-metal rails can be individually adapted to the requirements.

Flat bearings are like a rail in function, but the metals are already provided with defined mounting points.

Technical data

Trelleborg-Art.a2tec-Art.AbbildungLänge L [mm]Breite B [mm]Höhe H [mm]Härte [°ShA]Max. Weg [mm]Max. Last [N]
96796A100038AnfragenFL - Bolzen904135,8452,41200
96797A100039AnfragenFL - Bolzen904135,8502,41500
96798A100040AnfragenFL - Bolzen904135,8602,42300
96745A100008AnfragenFL - Bolzen904135,8702,43000
96791A100011AnfragenFL - Platte1685743,2452,77400
96793A100012AnfragenFL - Platte1685743,2552,79000
96792A100009AnfragenFL - Platte1685743,2652,715100
96794A100014AnfragenFL - Platte1685743,2702,718900
96787A100071Anfragenandere Platte1685751,0453,51400
96788A100072Anfragenandere Platte1685751,0553,52800
96789A100073Anfragenandere Platte1685751,0603,53060
96790A100074Anfragenandere Platte1685751,0703,54700
49002649A100042Anfragenandere Platte25517049,0452,041000
49002650A100041Anfragenandere Platte25517049,0602,098000

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